Van Life
We love to travel and spend time in the outdoors. After lots of brainstorming, researching and planning we ditched the idea of an RV or airstream and dove into Van Life.
Our initial goals are simple.
- Haul our bikes
- Haul our dogs
- Always be ready to travel
- Off grid camper (4 seasons)
- Daily driver capable
- Carry up to 5 people
We will document all of our planning, building and using of our Van on this website. #vanlife
[ebs_tab title=”Why a Van?” icon=”fa-bus” icontype=”fa” active=”active”]
“Why did you buy a van?” This is usually the first response from people when we tell them we bought a giant empty cargo van. The questions usually don’t stop there though. “What van did you get? New or Used? Gas or Diesel?…” The questions can be endless but we’ve attempted to answer as many as possible.
[ebs_button style=”btn-primary btn-sm” icon=”fa-bus” icontype=”fa” align=”left” type=”link” target=”false” title=”A Van !? Why?” link=”http://www.outdoor-wanderlust.com/van-life/vanlife/”]
[ebs_tab title=”Planning” icon=”fa-bus” icontype=”fa”]
This is a large topic and depending on everyone approach or budget can vary wildly. We plan to use this rig for years and if we can get it right the first time then that would be awesome. (But lets be honest. We’re going to be tweaking and changing for a long time because that’s just what you do, right?) If you like spreadsheets, parts lists, numbers and schematics? Then dive in and have fun…
[ebs_button style=”btn-primary btn-sm” icon=”fa-list-ol” icontype=”fa” align=”left” type=”link” target=”false” title=”Our Plans” link=”http://www.outdoor-wanderlust.com/van-life/van-conversion-planning/”]
[ebs_tab title=”Build Log” icon=”fa-bus” icontype=”fa”]
For our own future reference and to help out others looking to do something similar we’ll document each step of the build here. Hopefully we cover all the pertinent details but if you have a questions then drop us a line.
[ebs_button style=”btn-primary btn-sm” icon=”fa-wrench” icontype=”fa” align=”left” type=”link” target=”false” title=”View Our Build” link=”http://www.outdoor-wanderlust.com/category/van-conversion/”]
[ebs_tab title=”Cost & Labor” icon=”fa-bus” icontype=”fa”]
A really common question is how much does it cost to build a van. In truth the answer can vary greatly depending on your approach and your goals but we wanted to know ourselves and hopefully help some one else with their own research. Get the full details on the cost and time spent to complete our conversion here.
[ebs_button style=”btn-primary btn-sm” icon=”fa-money” icontype=”fa” align=”left” type=”link” target=”false” title=”Cost & Labor” link=”http://www.outdoor-wanderlust.com/van-life-overview/camper-van-cost-labor/”]